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What is CBD Fruit?

What is CBD Fruit?

The information provided regarding CBD is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. CBD products have not been evaluated by regulatory authorities for the treatment, diagnosis, or prevention of any disease. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before starting any new supplement or health regimen to ensure it is safe and appropriate for your specific medical conditions.

CBD fruit is becoming ever-popular. It is one of the new and exciting ways to have CBD while also enjoying a healthy snack. 

CBD fruit comes in many forms, including CBD peaches, CBD dates, CBD fruit and nut bars, and CBD dried mixed fruit. If you are a fan of a mid morning snack and wish to get some CBD goodness at the same time, CBD fruit is a good way to  go. Here, we are going to tell you:

  • What CBD is and how it benefits you
  • How to take CBD
  • A review of one of our CBD fruit products

What Is CBD?

CBD is derived from the cannabis plant. It is one of many compounds that can be safely extracted and used for medicinal purposes. People have been using CBD for centuries to cure all sorts of problems including acne, depression, seizures and anxiety. CBD is still being studied but results are promising across many areas of medicine, including in the study of dementia, Parkinson's disease and epilepsy.

CBD is not the same as THC and will not cause any high or psychoactive effect. It is legal in most areas of the world including the USA, UK and Europe.

What Forms Does CBD Come In?

CBD can come in many forms, including oils, capsules, vaping e-liquids, dried fruits, chocolates, drinks and sprays. You can also get topical CBD to help with certain skin conditions. 

What is CBD Fruit?

CBD fruit is a particular way you can take CBD. Many people eat dried fruit as a healthy snack and by adding CBD, you can get even more nutritional benefit from it. CBD fruit just means that CBD oil has been added to the dried fruit to make it healthier, without taking away from the fruity taste. 

Is CBD Fruit Safe?

CBD fruit is safe to eat as long as the CBD has gone through the appropriate testing. CBD that remains untested can contain contaminants, or might have THC in it. It is important that any CBD you buy has gone through third party lab testing. 

Our Review of Nootrocan Keep Calm 375mg CBD Dried Peaches

The Nootrocan dried peach 375mg CBD product is a delightful alternative to gummies. If you are bored of chewing on CBD sweeties, or for health reasons with to avoid too much table sugar, the Nootrocan dried peaches could be a good replacement. 

Nootrocan is a brand that produces a variety of high quality CBD products and blends. You can look at their full range here

Whether you want a good quality CBD oil, broad spectrum capsule or CBD food, Nootrocan has you covered. 

Nootrocan also offers specific blends targeting particular ailments. For example, some of the products are designed to help you relax, others are designed to enhance your physical performance. The secret is the added ingredients, such as particular vitamins, to blend with the CBD and produce a desired effect.

So, what did we think of the Keep Calm 375mg CBD dried peaches? Our expert reviewer said the following:


Simple, neat and modern - those are the first impressions of Nootrocan's dried CBD peaches. The label is, of course, a tasteful peach colour, with stylish white writing clearly stating what's inside the bottle. On the side of the label is the ingredients (peaches, CBD), as well as safety information and storage information. It also says that the hemp is USA grown and that the product is vegan. There is no child lock on this packaging.

Rating 10/10


The peaches taste like peaches. Sweet, chewy, and delicious. You cannot taste any CBD in the product, making it ideal for those who prefer to stay away from the CBD flavour. There's no added sugar or any other ingredients to distort the taste. The aroma that comes from the bottle won't be for everyone - they smell very potent indeed. But the taste is far more subtle.

Rating 10/10


As with any dried fruit, the CBD peaches have a firm yet squidgy texture. These are chewy but not to the point of getting peach stuck in your teeth. They're also quite large, so you can have a whole one or cut it in half. Each peach looks slightly different to the next, and their sizes vary.

Rating 10/10

CBD Quality

The CBD used in these peaches is high quality and third party lab tested. This means that the relevant checks have been done to ensure that the CBD is as pure and contaminant free as can be expected. There is 375mg of CBD across the whole tub. The label does not make it clear how many peaches are in the tub and given that they vary in size, it is not easy to tell how much CBD you are getting per peach. 

Rating 8/10

Overall Impression

The peaches make a good alternative to gummies, given that they are healthier and contain less table sugar. They are difficult to do specific dosing with, but contain good quality USA grown CBD, and make a nice snack for the afternoon. 


  • Tasty
  • Good quality CBD
  • Sophisticated packaging
  • Clear label


  • Difficult to predict exact dosing
  • No child lock

At JM Distro we can help you to source the stock the right CBD products for your customers. Whether you are looking for CBD oil, CBD topicals for skincare, CBD vaping e-liquids or one of our many CBD edibles, we can help. We stock a large range of wholesale CBD products for you and your customers to enjoy. If you are dropshipping with us, we can also use our automated system to update your inventory with the latest CBD products as they come in. Keep your customers coming back by giving them the latest, most innovative CBD products on the market.

Got questions? Get in touch with one of our friendly team and we will be happy to assist. 

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