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Product of The Month Vita Canna CBD

Product of The Month Vita Canna CBD

The information provided regarding CBD is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. CBD products have not been evaluated by regulatory authorities for the treatment, diagnosis, or prevention of any disease. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before starting any new supplement or health regimen to ensure it is safe and appropriate for your specific medical conditions.

CBD gummies, oils and capsules are in demand. Why? Because they're delicious, healthy, varied and contain accurate dosing of high quality CBD. 

This month, our expert reviewer tried a few different Vita Canna CBD products. These were:

  • Vita Canna CBD Focus Gummies 750mg
  • Vita Canna CBD Capsules Clarity 1000mg
  • Vita Canna Relax CBD Oil 1400mg

Vita Canna is a CBD brand focused on delivering high quality CBD products using USA grown full and broad spectrum hemp. The brand prides itself on offering unique blends to concentrate on solving certain problems. For example, Relax CBD Oil contains added ingredients that promote calm. Whereas CBD Focus contains added ingredients that enhance concentration and mental clarity. 

This makes picking a CBD product much more straight forward, and also gives you more effective results depending on what you wish to achieve when using CBD. 

More about CBD

CBD is an extract from the cannabis plant, usually the hemp plant, and works in unison with the body to promote overall healing and wellness. CBD has been used for centuries as a medicine, but only after the 2018 Farm Bill did it become mainstream and sold legally in every state. Unlike the type of cannabis you smoke from the marijuana plant, CBD does not get you stoned or high. CBD can contain trace elements of another compound that does get you high (THC) but not enough for there to be any noticeable effect. You can safely and legally use CBD in most countries, it won't affect your ability to drive or do everyday tasks, and there are no major adverse side effects to using it. 

What it does do is work with your body's endocannabinoid system to 'flood' your body with CBD and balance out any problem areas. 

CBD is still being studied and has shown promising results so far in the treatment of epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, dementia, depression, insomnia and anxiety. 

You can take CBD in many forms including capsules, gummies, sprays, topicals and vape e-liquids. CBD can also come in different forms and strengths. You can get CBD isolates, which contain only CBD, or broad / full spectrum CBD which contain more elements of the plant, causing an entourage effect. Some people are quite happy with CBD isolate, which is slightly cheaper than broad / full spectrum. Others, who want CBD for medicinal purposes, prefer broad and full spectrum because it has extra healing properties. 

In this review, we will look at the gummies, oil and capsules supplied by Vita Canna. 

Vita Canna Focus CBD Gummies

Our reviewer tried the Vita Canna Focus CBD Gummies. These are 10mg each in strength, vegan, and an assortment of flavours. They also contain ingredients like added vitamins to enhance focus and mental wellbeing. 

Style And Look

Simple, professional and clear. That's the first impression the Vita Canna Focus CBD Gummies give. The gummies themselves also look appealing. Each one is shaped like a bear and covered in sugar. Different colours represent different flavours. 

Rating: 10/10


The packaging on this product feels serious, professional and health-centric. There are no gimmicks or cartoons, no indication of this being sweeties for children. The label is a fresh green, with the word 'FOCUS' in clear capital letters across the front. Underneath you can clearly see that it says 'CBD Gummies', and this is promptly followed by the dosage per gummy, the overall dosage (750mg) and the fact that it is vegan. At the bottom of the label it clearly states that these are broad spectrum CBD gummies. The brand name is easily found and stylishly situated at the top of the label. The lid is easily sealed with a child lock and the bottle is sturdy and strong. 

On the back of the label is the nutritional information showing the amount of energy, protein and carbs are in the gummies. The nutritional information shows the amounts per 25g, but there is no indication on the label how many grams this bottle is, making this information somewhat unclear. Underneath this is the ingredients clearly listed. And there's also safety information, covering pregnancy, children and other medications. 

Rating: 9/10


The exact flavours are not stated on the Focus CBD gummies. There are 6 flavours in total, each with a sour, strong, delicious taste. No one flavour was better (or worse) than the other, with the lemon and orange flavours bursting with citrus flavour, and the raspberry mimicking a gorgeously sweet dessert. There was no hint of CBD flavour in any of the gummies, with each tasting pure and different from the next. 

A definite favourite for our reviewer was the orange flavour. Zesty, authentic, sweet, juicy and sugary, this gummy bear was refreshing to eat and left only a pleasant orange aftertaste. 

Rating: 10/10


Unlike some other CBD gummies on the market, these were not sticky or overly chewy. The texture was firm, easy to chew and there was very little residue leftover in the mouth. There was a sugary coating on the outside of each gummy, and no aftertaste. The gummies were shaped like gummy bears, which gives them a little bit of extra texture when compared to smoother rounder gummies. 

Rating 10/10

CBD Quality

Vita Canna chose to use broad spectrum CBD for these gummies, making it high quality. The CBD has been third party lab tested, so we can say with total confidence that it is safe and that the CBD is pure and delivered in the promised quantities. The CBD is USA sourced and THC free. THC free means that you will not find any traces of THC in the product, meaning it is non-psychoactive, legal in most countries and safe to use before driving or working. 

Another ingredient used in this product is vitamin C, which is great for replenishing the body, giving mental clarity and enhancing energy levels. If you don't take vitamin C currently, you can get your daily hit with these gummies instead. 

Rating 10/10


The Canna Vita CBD gummies are delicious, moorish, varied and contain high quality CBD. The packaging is mature and sophisticated with clear labelling and an emphasis on safety. 


  • Delicious flavours
  • Sophisticated packaging
  • Clear safety information
  • Good texture
  • Child lock lid
  • Nutritional info stated


  • Individual flavours not listed on bottle

Vita Canna Relax CBD Oil

Vita Canna Relax CBD Oil is a broad spectrum oil with a special blend of added ingredients including B vitamins, vitamin A and vitamin D. 

Here's what our reviewer thought. 

Style And Look

The bottle is sophisticated, easy to use and clearly states what the product is. You really get the sense from Vita Canna that they take health seriously, and that their products are high quality and trustworthy. 

Rating 10/10


The 30ml bottle is black with a blue label, clearly stating the brand name and the word 'RELAX' across the front. This makes it very clear what this blend is used for. The bottle also clearly states that it is CBD oil and made from broad spectrum CBD. The bottle also contains the mg dosage, and the fact that it is vegan and THC free. 

The ingredients are clearly listed on the bottle - vitamin A, vitamin B complex, vitamin D, vitamin E and CBD. This blend is said to relax the mind and body. It could theoretically also double up as a vitamin supplement. 

There's an expiry date, safety information and an address of the supplier. 

Rating 10/10

Ease Of Use

The bottle is not child proof and very easy for anyone to open. This means you need to be extra careful when using this product in a household that has children. The dropper is easy to use, and a very small amount of effort will pinch a large quantity of oil. There are no measurements on the dropper so you cannot be sure how much CBD you are intaking each time. Generally speaking you can expect to get around 23mg of CBD per serving, but perceptions of a 'serving' could differ. 

Rating 7/10

CBD Quality

Vita Canna uses broad spectrum CBD for this oil, making it high quality. The CBD has been third party lab tested, THC free and sourced in the USA. It is therefore verified high quality CBD. 

Rating 10/10


This is a high quality CBD oil with additional vitamins to help give your body a boost. It's easy to use, stylish to look at, and has no flavour or aroma. 


  • Easy to use
  • High quality CBD
  • Clear labelling
  • Added vitamins
  • Stylish design


  • No way of specifically measuring dosage 
  • No child safety cap

Vita Canna Clarity CBD Capsules

The Vita Canna CBD Clarity capsules are a special blend of broad spectrum CBD and clarity-inducing ingredients including flaxseed, hemp protein and omega 3. 

Style And Look

As we have come to expect from Vita Canna, the overall presentation of this product is sophisticated, stylish and gives off an air of authority. The capsules are a reasonable size making them easy to swallow, and the bottle is safely sealed and contains all the information you need to feel reassured about the product. 

Rating 10/10


These capsules are delivered in a sturdy, safely sealed bottle with a child lock. The label clearly states that this blend is designed to help with 'clarity'. The brand name and CBD type (broad spectrum) are clearly displayed on the front of the label. To the side, you can find the ingredients clearly listed. The safety label is clear and concise, advising people to not take this product if pregnant or alongside medication without medical supervision. The purple colouring is attractive and works nicely with the while lettering. 

Rating 10/10

Ease Of Use

The product is easy to use. The capsules are a good size, small enough to swallow but big enough to know that it is jam packed with CBD goodness. The bottle is easy to open, with a hygiene seal directly under the lid. The capsules do not have an odour and have a smooth texture. 

Rating 10/10

Capsule Quality

The capsules are a medium size, smooth, and in a shape that is easy to swallow. The capsules were intact and appeared to be good quality, with no spills or breakages. They did not leak or feel wet to touch, and did not stick to one another. There were the exact number of capsules in the bottle as stated. 

CBD Quality

Vita Canna uses broad spectrum CBD for this capsule, meaning it's high quality. The CBD has been third party lab tested, giving you peace of mind that it is free from toxins and impurities and is the quality stated on the label. The capsules are THC free and sourced in the USA. 

Rating 10/10


This is a high quality CBD product with additional vitamins and supplements to help give you better mental clarity. Capsules make it easy to give yourself a specific daily dosage, without the guess work. 


  • Easy to use
  • High quality CBD
  • Clear labelling
  • Added vitamins
  • Stylish design
  • Child safety cap
  • Odourless capsules
  • Capsules a nice size

If you would like to stock up on the Vita Canna range, they also have many other products that you and your customers might be interested in. 

These include:

CBD Oils

  • Strength
  • Defence
  • Boost
  • Recovery
  • Multi Vitamin
  • Focus

CBD Gummies

  • Immunity
  • Boost
  • Multi vitamin
  • Relax

CBD Capsules

  • Multi Vitamins
  • Glow
  • Defence
  • Boost

Vita Canna is a great brand for customers who come into your shop with specific needs. For example, if someone is complaining of fatigue, brain fog, lack of concentration and poor productivity, you might direct them to the Vita Canna Clarity CBD capsules or Focus gummies. If someone is complaining of lack of sleep, high anxiety or difficult life circumstances, you might direct them to the Relax CBD oil. This is why it's a good idea to stock up on a few different blends, so that you can cater to every customer that comes through your door. 

If you would like to view more CBD products, click here




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