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CBD Cooking Ideas

CBD Cooking Ideas

The information provided regarding CBD is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. CBD products have not been evaluated by regulatory authorities for the treatment, diagnosis, or prevention of any disease. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before starting any new supplement or health regimen to ensure it is safe and appropriate for your specific medical conditions.

CBD comes in many forms - tinctures, drinks, capsules and even food! The ever growing demand for CBD infused food means there's no shortage of interesting CBD edibles out there. 

But why are people adding CBD to their meals at all? Here's the answer:

CBD Health Benefits

CBD is subject to ongoing research, but sufficient evidence exists to support CBD being incredibly beneficial to the human body. Studies have shown that humans have CBD receptors in many areas of the body, including the brain, spinal cord and reproductive system. CBD binds to these receptors, helping 'balance' out the problems being experienced within that area of the body. 

Effective at reducing chronic pain, skin flare ups, mental health episodes and even symptoms of serious illness, CBD is not only versatile, but has no known side effects. Many medications such as pain killers come with side effects like addiction, insomnia, sleepiness, weight gain / loss and dizziness. But CBD does not have any of these associated conditions. 

So, it's no wonder that people are adding CBD to their meals to receive what this incredible compound has to offer. 

The benefits of adding CBD to food is that, we eat food every day, and this is a great way of getting CBD into our systems without swallowing pills or inhaling vapour. 

There are literally thousands of CBD recipes online, but we have chosen 3 that you can make using CBD products. You can also recommend these recipes to your customers, helping them to get the most out of their CBD products. 

1. CBD Chocolate Cake

Chocolate cake is a crowd pleaser, and something you can keep for a good few days in your fridge. You can serve this cake for friends and family and will be sure to impress them. It is made with CBD chocolate and CBD butter that you can make yourself at home with an Easy Butter Maker. 


300g CBD chocolate

100g golden caster sugar

150g of CBD butter made with our Easy Butter Maker

½ a teaspoon of vanilla extract

5 eggs

For the topping:

100ml of double cream 

200g of CBD chocolate


To make the cake:

Preheat your oven to 320 degrees Fahrenheit/160 degrees Celsius

Break apart the chocolate and add to a bowel with the CBD butter that you made in your butter maker. You can microwave this until soft (but not burnt) or heat in a bowel above boiling water.

Add the eggs and vanilla to a mixing bowl and stir. Then add the sugar and mix until it forms a mousse, and is thick in texture. 

Pour your melted chocolate and CBD butter mixture into the thick egg mixture, and stir together. Then pour this liquid into a baking tin and put into the oven for 45 minutes.  

To make the topping:

Once your cake is ready and cooled down, grate the chocolate into a bowel and microwave until melted. Then mix with the cream and pour it over the chocolate cake.

Leave overnight, then serve chilled.

2. CBD infused Peri Peri Chicken with Rice and Peas

Peri peri chicken is a popular choice. It is full of flavour, easy to make and delicious when served with sweet coconut rice. The CBD in this meals is found in the peri peri seasoning, which is then absorbed into the chicken upon baking. 


1 chicken breast 

2 cups of long grain rice

1 cup of kidney beans

2 tins of coconut milk

1 spring onion

Olive oil

2 Lemons

A packet of CBD peri peri seasoning 


Add your chicken breast to an oven baking tray.

Season your chicken breast with the CBD peri peri seasoning mix and top with olive oil. 

Surround the chicken with slices of lemon, as this will infuse with the chicken as it bakes. 

Put the chicken in the oven at 200 degrees Celsius and check it after 20 minutes (the time of cooking depends on the size of the chicken breast so check the label for a specific time).

While the chicken is cooking, boil your coconut milk in a saucepan. 

Add the rice to the pan and simmer for 10 minutes. Then, turn off the heat and put a lid on the saucepan so that the rice absorbs the coconut milk. Stir through the kidney beans. 

Add the rice and chicken to a bowl or plate and top with chopped spring onion and season to taste. 

3. Honey Garlic Stir Fry Prawns

Last but not least, the honey garlic stir fry prawns is ideal for people in a hurry. It takes 5 minutes to make. The CBD is found in the honey, or you can buy a CBD oil to fry the noodles in. If you don't like prawns, you can replace this with chicken, tofu or pork. Add vegetables to your preference, such as broccoli, sweetcorn or bamboo shoots. This recipe is a base recipe that you can customise to your preference, including adding more honey if required. 


Pack of pre-cooked prawns 

1/3 cup of soy sauce

1/3 cup of CBD honey

1 tablespoon of chopped garlic

1 pack of pan-fry noodles

Olive oil


Mix together in a cup the garlic, soy sauce and honey. Taste it and if you prefer it sweeter, add more honey.

Heat oil in a pan. Add the prawns, noodles and sauce into the pan until cooked. 

Stir well so that all of the noodles are coated in the sauce. 

Serve with salt seasoning and a side dip of extra soy sauce if required. 

CBD For Your Dropshipping Business

If you are currently selling CBD, you'd be wise to add the above products to your inventory, as well as some of the other CBD food we offer. Your customers will be especially pleased if you are able to recommend recipes to use the ingredients in, or give them cooking tips as part of their purchase. 

Not yet dropshipping with us? You can learn more about this on our dedicated dropshipping page. Got questions? Get in touch and we will be glad to help and answer all your questions. 

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